Alexander had a couple milestones this weekend. First, on Saturday we rented a motor-boat out on our local lake. As we cruised around with no destination in particular, I repeatedly asked him if he wanted to drive, to which he replied, "No, I'm scared." Finally, out of the blue, he said, "Can I drive, Dad?" I said, "Sure", and handed him the stearing wheel. Well, after a few out of control turns, he got the hang of it. I could see the pride and confidence growing on his face as he took control of the boat and made it go where he wanted. I just sat back holding Sarah and let him go where he wanted. Pretty good for a 5 year old.
The next day, we concentrated on learning to ride his bike without training wheels. Now, as I recall, I never used training wheels when I was a kid. I have clear memories of being pushed on a bike in a local parking lot, surrounded by family members. I was very out of control and did not understand how to use the brakes. I recall running into someone. (I think it was my grandfather.)
As for Alexander, we got out on the street in front of our house. (There is virtually no traffic on that street.) I pushed and held onto his bike as I ran along side him, letting go when I thought he had control. At first, he was too scared to do anything. When Alexander is scared, he just talks and talks and talks and won't let you do anything. "Daddy, I want to tell you something. First you push me, and then you don't let go, okay? We will do it one more time okay, then that's it."
Well, after much cajoling, I finally was able to let go of the bike for a significant amount of time. By the end of the day, he managed to go a couple blocks without stopping. He only crashed once, which set him back for a while. What really helped was when we came across a neighborhood friend of his that was also riding his bike. Nothing like a little peer pressure to cool the nerves.
Sarah is healthy and happy. She spent a lot of time in the park riding the slide and the swing. She's learning new words everyday, and charming everyone around her.
Sophia keeps getting bigger. Pretty soon she'll be crawling, then walking. I can't wait.
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